Career Counseling

Empowering Your Future: Serenity – Your Trustworthy Source for Personalized Career Help.

At Serenity, we recognize the significance of career guidance and counseling services during periods of tranisitions in education and employment. Our range of comprehensive services includes the utilization of standardized psychometric tests, personalized counseling sessions and use of up-to-date databases to ensure the provision of high-quality career guidance. The assessments can be conducted for adolescents (13 years onwards) and adults (up to 30 years of age) and can help you make informed decisions in alignment with your aptitude, interests, values, and personality.

At Serenity, our focus lies in optimizing learning outcomes, and facilitating a suitable job-person fit, all of which contribute to enhancing occupational satisfaction and success. Moreover, this career-values fit can lead to cascading effects on life satisfaction. Seize the chance to explore your true potential through our career counseling services, where a vast array of possibilities awaits to be uncovered.

Aptitude Personality Interest Values

3 Hours Assessment

Personalised Counseling

Online & Offline

INR 2,000/- (all inclusive)

Group Testing (minimum 3)

For Students


From grade 8 to Undergraduate/Post Graduate Students


Help shape careers of budding youngsters


Channeling their efforts in the right direction


Informing them of the diverse subjects, educational streams, opportunities, and trends available

For Adults


Adults spend nearly a third of their time at work. Choose a career in line with your strengths, skills, and experience


Whether you're looking to make a transition or a fresh start in your work life, we can help you scout for options and strategize your next move for higher career success

Leap towards achieving your goals and building a career you aspire for with us!

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